When Myths meet Facts: Public Schools Win!

Have you noticed the School Privatization complex is focused on telling you what they’re against more than what they’re for? They’re against public schools. “Government” schools. Against paying taxes to support these schools. Against superintendents. Against teacher unions. Against school boards. You know those pesky people who volunteer their time to make stronger communities.


This page will be an updated resource to address the myths, lies, and low-down takes of those focused on their bottom line instead of the needs of our 700,000 kids in public schools in Oklahoma.



“Public schools are one-size fits all.”


This is clearly a ploy to put public schools down. It is also very insulting to graduates who have gone on to do amazing things: careers, college, raising families, and being productive, unique members of society.

Oklahoma Public Schools have more choices and options for students today than ever before in our history!

For instance:

  • Neighborhood schools.
  • Public charter schools.
  • Virtual schools.
  • Magnet/academies.
  • Open transfer.
  • HS AP/concurrent.
  • CareerTech.


“Public schools are failing.”


The fact is that test scores are on the rise. Oklahoma’s average ACT score has risen to 19.7 (20.3 is the national average).

And life is about way more than test scores alone. Oklahoma students have many options to prepare for careers & college in public school.


“There are no choices without vouchers.”


School choice has been settled law since 1907 in Oklahoma!

Oklahoma families have the liberty to choose public, private, or homeschool!

Vouchers are school subsidies, siphoning from the State Aid appropriation for #OklaEd public schools remove resources available to all our public schools.


“Private schools have better academics.”


Not according to longitudinal research published out of the University of Virginia by Pianta & Ansari in 2018. And Lubienski & Lubienski in 2013.

They show that “gains in student achievement at public schools are at least as great and often greater than those at private ones.”


“Parents are pushing for vouchers.”


Maybe? Certainly, there are outliers, but a majority? Or even more than a handful? Not in our experience in Oklahoma at least.

Parents here are asking for:

  • Well resourced, clean, safe neighborhood schools
  • Professional, well-compensated teachers
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Funding that supports students with unique needs


The billionaire class hires PR firms to generate grassroots like organizations and social media accounts to fake parent involvement. This is happening at the national and local level through groups like “Parent Voice” which is an astro-turf creation of Choice Matters.

More here, here, and here.


“Vouchers help impoverished students.”


Indications from Indiana’s program show that 58 percent of voucher students never attended a public school. 

That means their families were already able to afford private school.

A 2019 report showed over 1,300 households participating in Indiana’s school voucher program had incomes over $100,000.

Vouchers do not cover transportation costs, even though the private schools one may wish to attend are many miles away from the student’s home.